- 1-2 Muhammad not to doubt the Quran 3 The people exhorted to believe in it 4-5 Many cities destroyed for their unbelief
- 6-9 Prophets and their hearers on the judgment-day
- 10 The ingratitude of infidels
- 11 The creation of Adam
- 11-12 Satan refuses to obey Allah by bowing to Adam 13 He is driven from Paradise 14-15 He is respited until the resurrection 16-17 He avows his purpose to beguile man 18 God threatens Satan and his victims
- 19-24 The fall of Adam and Eve 25-26 They are expelled from Paradise
- 27-29 Indecent customs condemned 30-31 God to be sought in prayer 32-34 True worshippers to be decently clad
- 35 Every nation has a fixed term of life
- 36-42 The doom of those who reject the apostles of God
- 43-45 The blessed reward of true believers
- 45-46 God’s curse on the infidels
- 47-50 The veil of Aráf and its inhabitants
- 51-52 The rejecters of God’s apostles to be forgotten
- 53-54 A warning against rejecting Muhammad
- 55-59 The Creator and Lord of the worlds to be served
- 60-65 Noah rejected by his people—their fate 66-73 Húd rejected by the Ádites—their fate 74-80 Sálih rejected by the Thamúdites—their destruction 81-85 Lot rejected and the Sodomites destroyed 86-94 Shuaib rejected by the Madianites, and their doom
- 95-96 Unbelievers at Makkah unaffected either by adversity or prosperity
- 97-101 The dreadful fate of those cities who rejected the apostles of God and charged them with imposture
- 102-103 They are reprobated
- 104-105 Moses is sent to Pharaoh and his princes
- 106-108 The miracles of the serpent and leprous hand
- 109-115 The magicians of Egypt called
- 116-120 Contest by miracles between Moses and the magicians
- 121-123 Several magicians converted to Moses
- 124-127 Pharaoh’s anger kindled against them
- 128 Pharaoh and his princes persecute Moses and his people
- 129-130 Moses exhorts his people to patient trust in God
- 131-132 Adversity and prosperity alike unavailing to bring Pharaoh to repentance
- 133-134 The Egyptian unbelievers plagued
- 135 The hypocrisy of the Egyptians
- 136 They are destroyed in the Red Sea
- 137 The people of Moses triumph, and possess the eastern and western land
- 138-141 The children of Israel become idolatrous
- 142 Moses makes Aaron his deputy, and fasts forty days
- 143 He desires to see the glory of God, but repents his rashness
- 144-145 God gives Moses the law on two tables
- 146-147 Infidels threatened for calling their prophets impostors
- 148 The people of Moses worship the golden calf
- 149 They repent their sin
- 150 Moses in indignation assaults Aaron
- 151 He prays for forgiveness for himself and Aaron
- 152 He calls for vengeance on the idolaters
- 153 God merciful to believers
- 154 Moses’s anger is appeased
- 155 He chooses seventy elders
- 155-156 Moses prays for deliverance from destruction by lightning
- 156-159 The Illiterate Prophet foretold by Moses
- 160 Some Jews rightly directed
- 161 The Israelites divided into twelve tribes
- 161 The rock smitten, and manna and quails given
- 162-163 The command to enter the city saying Hittatun, and the fate of the disobedient
- 164-167 The Sabbath-breakers changed into apes
- 168-169 Dispersion of the Jews among the nations
- 170-171 Some of their successors faithful to the law of Moses
- 172 God shakes Mount Sinai over the Israelites
- 173-175 God’s covenant with the children of Adam
- 176-179 The curse of Balaam a warning to infidels
- 180 Many genii and men created for hell
- 181-182 The names of God not to be travestied
- 183-184 God’s method of leading infidels to destruction
- 185 Muhammad not possessed of a devil
- 186 No hope for the reprobate
- 187 The coming of the “last hour” sudden
- 188 Muhammad no seer, only a preacher
- 189-190 Adam and Eve were guilty of idolatry
- 191-198 The folly of idolatry
- 199 Muhammad commanded to use moderation
- 200-201 He is to repel Satan by using the name of God
- 202 The people of Makkah incorrigible
- 203 They charge Muhammad with imposture
- 204 ۩ 206 The Quran to be listened to in silence and holy meditation[6]
*Wikipedia Reference