- 1 Covenants are to be fulfilled
- 2 Lawful meats
- 3 Heathen pilgrims not to be molested
- 4 Islam completed—last revelation of the Quran , Certain kinds of food, gaming, and lots forbidden
- 5 Muslims permitted to eat the food of Jews and Christians, and to marry their women
- 6 The law of purifications
- 7-8 Believers reminded of the covenant of Aqabah, Muslims should bear true testimony and not let the hatred of a people prevent them from being just
- 9-11 Muslims should forget old quarrels with brethren
- 12 God’s favour to Muslims
- 13-15 Disobedience of Jews and Christians exposed
- 16-18 Jews and Christians are exhorted to accept Islam
- 19-20 The divinity of Christ denied
- 21 Jews and Christians not the children of God
- 22 Muhammad sent as a warner
- 23-29 Israel’s rebellion at Kadesh Barnea
- 30-34 The story of Cain and Abel 35-36 The sin of homicide
- 37-38 The punishment of theft accompanied by apostasy
- 39 The faithful exhorted to fight for religion
- 40-41 The punishment of infidels
- 42-44 The penalty of theft
- 45-55 Muhammad to judge the Jews and Christians by the law, gospel, and the Quran
- 56 Muslims forbidden to fraternise with Jews and Christians
- 57-58 Hypocrites threatened
- 59-61 Believers warned and instructed. The fate of the People of the Book[2]
- 62-63 Muslims not to associate with infidels
- 64-65 The Jews exhorted and warned
- 66-69 The hypocrisy and unbelief of the Jews rebuked
- 70 Promises to believing Jews and Christians
- 71 Muhammad required to preach
- 72 He attests Jewish and Christian Scriptures
- 73 Believing Jews, Sabeans, and Christians to be saved
- 74-75 The Jews rejected and killed the prophets of God
- 76-81 The doctrines of the Trinity and Christ’s Sonship rejected
- 82-84 Disobedient Jews cursed by their prophets
- 85-88 Jewish hatred and Christian friendship compared
- 89-90 Muslims to use lawful food etc
- 91 Expiation for perjury
- 92-94 Wine and lots forbidden
- 95-97 Law concerning hunting and gaming during pilgrimage
- 98-100 Pilgrimage and its rites enjoined
- 101-102 The Prophet not to be pestered with questions
- 102-104 Heathen Arab customs denounced
- 105-107 Wills to be attested by witnesses
- 108 The prophets ignorant of the characters of their followers
- 109-110 Jesus—his miracles—God’s favour to him
- 111 The apostles of Jesus were Muslims
- 112-114 A table provided by Jesus for the apostles
- 115-118 Jesus did not teach his followers to worship him and his mother
- 119 The reward of the true believer
- 120 God is sovereign [3]
*Wikipedia Reference